Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer sippin'

Warm muggy night. Long day at work. Icy cold glass of Lake Erie Riesling to go with the fruity salad I just picked up from Wendy's. Not your average gourmet fare. But pretty good. Why Riesling? Because it is my favorite, favorite summer wine. Why Wendy's? Because it is quick and the wine transforms the salad into more than it might be alone.

Riesling is a grape known for its amazing versitility. It can produce elegant dry table wines that a wonderful complement to food, be it simple or haut cuisine. Other Rieslings are semi-sweet showing fruit upfront on the palate with aromas of melons and peaches. Still others are made into dessert wines with luscious, truly sweet finishes that offer hints of honey and apricot.

While many great Rieslings come from Germany for sure, some of the finest Rieslings in the world are produced right here in the eastern United States. The Finger Lakes Region of New York and our own Lake Erie [including the Grand River Valley] have recently taken top medals in international, highly respected competitions.

Riesling is a cool climate varietal that requires relatively short growing season in the summer vs. the extended frost to frost cycle required for most vinifera reds. It is also winter hardy enough to survive our harsh winter temperatures. Another key condition are our cool nights which help produce enough acid backbone to balance the hint of sweetness in most locally produced styles.

While Rieslings are grown across the state, most are planted within the influence of Lake Erie. This most shallow of the Great Lakes provides an extended growing season and temperature moderation to mitigate the most dramatic spring frosts and frigid winter nights. And the deep gorge, known as the Grand River Valley, contributes natural drainage of both cold air in the spring and excess water throughout the growing season. Grapes do like dry feet and the Valley, in conjunction with several unique soil types have helped make this regions growing reputation for great Rieslings in a Germanic style.

Sippin a glass tonight........yum.

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